Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunny and Beautiful Saturday

At a popular river-front at the city center with my bike behind me. Click on Picture for Larger Viewing
Today was such a rare sunny and beautiful day in as many months in my locale. I slept in late. I read something on the Bhudda and started on The Fate of Africa: A History of 50 Years of Independence by Martin Meredith. It is a fascinating read. No wonder, mention of the so-called Pan Africanism sends most of us, Africans yawning. I will write my thoughts soon on how one can operate, inspite of the African super-predators, and prosper mentally, spiritually and materially.
Back to today: I went and made some phone calls for Obama at the local HQ. Then rode my bike down-town along the river.
Overall it was a great day. How was yours?

1 comment:

david santos said...

Hello, Soko!
I loved this post and this blog.
Have a nice day.