Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Quotes that Hit Home

You conduct yourself as best as you can. Often serving your interests the best way you know how-- remembering at the back of your mind, as a born Catholic boy, that you live to serve others in the final analysis -- hopefully without stepping on any toes. Then, kaboom! You are hit from your blind side, and you are thrown into doubts about humanity.

"Why did I ignore all the signs," you ask yourself. You are told to trust your instincts. Then you are told to think through. You are told that giving ennobles. Then when you give you are thrashed.

I am okay--just working on some experiences that the quotes below brought to the surface. The quotes are of a writer on The Root, listed under News Sources on acolidreamer blog.

“The thing is, and I learned this the hard way, women are not the benevolent, essentially good creatures they're made out to be and men are not the Neanderthals they are made out to be, either. Women can be undermining, power hungry, psychologically and physically abusive, viciously competitive, corrupt, and a whole host of other unsavories. All human beings have these tendencies. Every human being has to wage a personal war to ensure the good wins out. "

“To borrow an Obama-ism, today I'm feeling a bit, well, bitter. The world as it's configured is unsustainable, period. Adapt or die. Change or implode. Give credit where credit is due, and pass over the resulting resources. Stop hoarding. Stop silencing. Stop rejecting. Stop it. Just stop it.”

“Today I'm going to meditate on being peaceful. I know anger isn't the way to solve these problems. I send love to everyone, even the folks I'm upset with. I know we're all doing the best we can, but we have to do better”

----Rebecca Walker


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