Friday, March 27, 2009

Impermanence is the Great Equalizer

The tulips are sprouting. In the last weeks of winter some evergreens are blooming with flowers. Tiny leaves are emerging. Change is afoot. That is the nature of life—nothing is permanent. We are born, we grow old, we die—no matter who or what we are—kings, queens, presidents, war heroes, poor people, rich people—no exceptions. Change is the only constant--the common denominator.

When we accept and embrace the phenomenon of impermanence, we relax and are loving and compassionate. The problem with most of us is we try to fight time and we attempt to freeze it to satisfy our egocentric desires.

At a crazy time in my insignificant life I was one of the last to leave a party. Then, I and my kinds headed to after-parties till daybreak! Subconsciously I didn’t want the ecstasy to end. I was freezing the time of the delectable sensory pleasure. At that time it was very real and, like all delusions, no one could have convinced me otherwise.

Mugabe has frozen time, but all will come crushing down sooner than later. When another despot says that at 65, after more than twenty years at the helm of power, he would still go to war if his presidential seat is threatened, we know he is deluded. He is freezing time, but time marches on and his presidency will end like all the rest of them. That is the incontrovertible Truth that one can take to the bank.

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