Saturday, December 26, 2009

What Reconciliation?

Attaboy! What reconciliation? How can you reconcile with troublemakers? They must first apologize. That is to say, they must first lick my boots.

Are you having a vertigo yet? That was vintage Museveni in his raw elements as he supposedly refused to shake hands with one of his perennial nemeses, Mr. Otunnu. The story goes that the dubious Mao purportedly urged Otunnu to reconcile with Museveni. Otunnu is reported to have frantically tried to catch Museveni’s attention to no avail at the innauguration of an Anglican Church (also dubbed the Church of Uganda as if there is any state religion in Uganda) prince as bishop of Northern Uganda. Mr Museveni, to his credit, did not stoop to such groveling and, predictably, thumbed his nose at the ambassador.

It befuddles my mind when our supposed luminaries don’t think straight. What is there in the history of Museveni that is not crystal clear using simple inductive reasoning? Yet Mao has for years tried all kinds of somersaulting feats to coddle the man. If his effforts were not tragic to others at times ( as in Candide Lakony), one would leave Mao to his night dances with the devil. You don’t criticize Museveni and turn around and ask for reconciliation. The business of “we are all Christians” just muddles the water. The man takes things personally. Besides, even if he has whacked Acoli girls and boys militarily, he knows that some will never acknowledge or accept his oft-desired claims to superiority. This constantly gnaws at his every fibre—his essence. It must be hard for the poor man when he ventures into Acoliland. Even if he surrounds himself with 100,000 bodyguards, he will always feel insecure in these territories. It is a case of King Midas fearing his own shadows.

Here are my two cents: Forget the reconciliation mumbo jumbo. If desirable, that may only be possible after the man is gone. The fuzzy logic of fantasizing that may be—just may be—there is hope for sharing the high table with the man is for those living in la-la land.

In The Wise Heart, James Autry is quoted as saying: " If you think managing conflict and diversity are problematic, then you haven't thought through the problem of managing sameness. I'd would rather be faced with trying to achieve harmony and goodwill among people who are at one another's throats than try to squeeze
an ounce of innovation or creativity, or risk out of a group photocopies of each other."

In Museveni's Uganda photocopies are at a premium, and that is not the milieu that bodes well for enduring reconciliations. Disintegration is one solution. Continued dysfunctional confusion is another. Or we can just get along. Kumbaaya! Ugandans have to make hard-nosed choices. Doing nothing is also a choice.

-------Bonus Movie. The Moonstone is in the British tradition of "who-dunit." Very clever.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Case Against the World Bank

Small me, Soko, has done my part. I reduced my carbon footprint. Mostly riding my bike instead of driving. The temperature in my house is just above cold. I recycle. So, I qualify to have my say about global warming. The claim that the developed countries had abused the environment in the 20th century is correct. But to say that the roaring developing countries, led by China, should be given leeway is hogwash. What about the technologies that came out of the 20th century exploits that are now available to all and sundry? This time I go along with whitie. What would Lao Tzu do? Let us do the right thing, Chinaman.
Is the Cablanasian (Caucasian, Black, Asian) a coward? What is he hiding from? The Caucasian and Black in him will probably not help him much—the respective slyness and freakiness have already landed him in hot water. He probably now need to call on the wisdom of his Asian heritage. What would Lao Tzu do? What would Sun Tzu do? What would Kung Fu Tzu (Confucius) do? What about Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha?

The Viking woman is gone. She went to Babylon as a nanny, and is going home a multi-millionaire. Who says sex was cheap? The only ones who have it free are the rapists who rob it. If you think I am a kukuhead, wait until you lose your job that you are convinced defines you. Memshahib will walk. If not, she will create so much chaos in your head that big John will be paralyzed , or you might lose it and kick her bleeding ass/arse. Either way you lose—she now has all the legal reasons to walk away with your children, house, half of your retirement account, and the cat!
Plegding a united front against the sly NRM (a.k.a Museveni) is one thing (and a good one); keeping focused and working skillfully is another. It is better to be proactive than reactive. I learned that a long time ago when playing in the sand and having my khaki school uniform caked with mago juice. You go home bloodied, but you have gained respect from the bully dude.
Let him go to the bush and stay there forever and see if anybody cares.
A few Baganda MPs, with balls, voted against the NRM Land Bill. Dubbed as indiscipline, the boss warned of reprisals. That is soooooooo 19th century politicking. Will the "wayward" MPs fold? If history is any leading indicator, Yes. Surprise me, brothas and sistas.
Buturo is no longer foaming at his mouth condemning "sex against nature." What[]up? Is the anti-gay NRM-Anglican alliance unravelling? Mr. Museveni is no fool. He knows which side of his bread is buttered. He will test the water. If it is scalding hot, he will pour some cold water lest he burns his Munyankole rear end. The throne has his soul--he is not going to mess with it just because of some fanatic christians who are not going to cause any seismic change in voter count. What if the law nails an American or European gay diplomat who has to be hanged in Kampala? Just imagine.
As promised , this is another must see film. Bamako is the case of Africa against the World Bank and other Western institutions. Politicians, educators, and students will have a lot to talk about. Pay attention to the imageries and the nuances. Enjoy!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Movie/Films to Die for: Soko's Classic Picks

You are tired of all the Amanda Knox stories. And you just shrugged off the news that Museveni rode economy on his way home. You are also bored by the Cablanasian, Tiger Woods' escapades of being pussy-whipped by white gals. Lucky for him his Viking wife didn't whack his head with a golf club. It is cold outside or it is unmercifully hot tropical December. What to do? Don't worry; Soko is here to help. I will from time to time pick up some Movie classics I have enjoyed. None of the trashy Hollywood, Bolywood, or Nollywood stuff. We are talking of well-crafted independent movies.

The bird's trapped in the body's cage
(Pakhita bonde ache)
The bird's trapped in the body's cage

It's feet bound by wordly chains
It tries to fly but fails
The bird's trapped in the body's cage
The bird's trapped in the body's cage

Rainbow colored birds
Circle freely in the sky
Their brilliant splendour
A rupture for the eye

The bird's trapped in the body's cage
The bird's trapped in the body's cage
It's feet bound by worldly chains
It's feet bound by wordly chains

The bird pines with longing
Yearns to spread its wings
It wants to join the joyful birds
Leaving its fleeting home

The bird's trapped in the body's cage
The bird's trapped in the body's cage
It's feet bound by worldly chains
It's feet bound by wordly chains

The clay bird laments:
Why did you infuse
My heart with longing,
If you didn't give my wings
The strength to fly?

The bird's trapped in the body's cage
The bird's trapped in the body's cage
Its feet bound by worldly chains.
This is a lyric to the movie The Clay Bird. Check this out!

Also in the same genre are Guimba the Tyrant,

A Man in Our House,

The Night of Truth

All are available in DVDs. Till next time, enjoy!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What is the Pomposity and Posturing All About?

I would ask the church men in their androgynous dresses and weird caps to tell me where their Jesus directly condemned homosexuality. Personally, I don’t understand how or why somebody is a queer. But then there are so many things in this world that I don’t understand. Do I have to walk on my head because these things are real to somebody?

At the bottom of the hullabaloo about homosexuality is the arrogant notion that man is the center of the universe against all logic. Not long ago the Christian Church insisted on the geocentric concept of the universe, and would hang anybody who disagreed. Thus Copernicus couldn’t publish his contrarian view until after his death for fear of being persecuted. It is now a scientific fact that the earth revolves around the sun, and not vice versa. So, if you still doubt evolution, then you are all wet.

In the complex evolution to consciousness man has been saddle with a myriads of challenges—the good and the bad. The genitals and their attendant emotional attractions were meant to perpetuate procreation. Thanks to the coded information in the genome that passes those instincts from one generation to the next. What if the random sequencing process of the four-bit nucleotides doesn’t go according to plan? Might it not be the reason why Johnny is attracted to Tommy, instead of to Mary? Why would it be of my concern when the two consenting adults fancy one another and do their thing in the privacy of their bedroom? I don’t question what the Bishop does to his wife. Moreover, the Bishops of my childhood world never sacked with anybody—at least officially!

Of all things evil—greed, obsession with power, uncontrolled anger, or distorted sense of self—,
homosexuality doesn’t come close to the destruction of society. The tale of Sodom is just some Jewish folklore. I would rather see the virile heterosexual MPs. and Bishops working on meaningful laws to curb life presidency or punish CHOGM cheats who sap the nation of its energy rather than wasting time on banalities.