Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Saga of the Three Loonies & the True Believers

The man said: if you believe, you can move mountains. And the three loonies, who belong to a psychiatry ward instead of out in the world of neurotypicals, have taken it to heart.

Loony Numero Uno: In mangled English and rapid fire presentation as if having fire under his pants, he is the paparazzi of Animal Farm. He cooks up supposedly juicy revelations, including about people’s lives. He threatens. One wonders whether parts of his brain has been eaten up by some disease—may be syphilis—or may have undergone some brain lobotomy.

Loony 2: The loss of his government was so traumatic that he has gone berserk. The supposed claim to fight for Iloca is actually a projection of that trauma. He is obsessed with a man called, Eygiseb, who, to him, is the devil incarnate. A man called, Ayido goes back to his own vomit. Moreover, the latter is not even an Iloca but “…blah…blah…blah”! In his delirium, he has forgotten that his real oppressor is actually Oriba.

Loony 3: He sees 3% as 90%. To him his party’s tsunami is unstoppable. How can you argue with the dude? He is in a world of his own—no different from any of the characters talking on the street by themselves.

Underneath the sicko generals are the true believers. This is an amalgam of those with high utilitarian education, some education, and semi-illiterates. The common thread among this lot is that reason is suspended, even though some make pretense for rationality. All share with the loonies a fear of self-examination and self-criticism, and have unrealistic expectation. The true believers differ from the loonies in that they suspect they may be wrong but don’t have the gut to accept, or are burdened with the Ripig-Ognobal curse.

Belief in itself is not a bad thing. It is the stuff of the Placebo Effect, the Pygmalion Hypothesis, the Expectation Factor, or the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. But here we are facing an irrational belief. It has become a weapon of self-sabotage: X is pre-ordained for the presidency. What mathematics are you talking about? Mountain Movers R Us!

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