Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Clamor to be an "Ordinary Person"

The refrain you hear from American talking-heads is that Obama needs to connect to the “ordinary person.” “He needs to portray ‘he is one of us’” so goes the song. What does all this really mean?

By virtue of being the Democrats’ prospective flag bearer already says Obama is no ordinary person. The same applies to McCain on the other side. Which electorate in the world would elect an ordinary person?

The extra-ordinariness of the two has nothing to do with the Ivy League school of one Obama or the coming from a military family and being a prisoner of war of McCain, or having a millionaire wife. Although these may have been contributory factors, they are not decisive on where these men have reached. If some examinations were done, we would find that the genies were planted in these two characters’ minds years ago. The seeds germinated and were nursed over the years culminating into what the two are today.

What we are hearing about Obama is more a code phrase for race. Obama can stand on his head or do some contortionist dance and will never be “one of us” for many Americans. Obama just needs to relax, be himself, give a clear message of what he will do for the people, and let the chips fall where they may.

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