Monday, October 20, 2008

What an Insult by Joyce Meyer

No where in the world does a foreigner go and heap insults on the natives on their most recent grave history. This is exactly what happened recently in Acholiland--courtesy of one American witch, called Joyce Meyer. This broad goes to Acholiland and says to their face that they brought the war on themselves because of witchcraft. This Joyce does not bring the name of Museveni, the agent of witchcraft whose evangelical wife probably invited her to come tame the wild natives. We allow her--a testament to how low we have sunk because of want and need. Just as the recent wave of NRM cadre courses, this is another mental humiliation that many should take it with the disdain it deserves.

We should take the cue from what our colonial masters did to our minds. This time around we should sort ourselves on our own terms. One, is that Mato Oput is a recognition that troubles at times befalls a family, and it is imperative to reconcile to move forward. We need no patronizing speeches from without.

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