I have long been fascinated by the use of symbolism by politicians to laud themselves or to bury their oponents. And so I have compiled a list of contemporary and not so contemporary symbols which have packed punches or were duds. I have also been interested in social symbols of individuals as each navigates the wonders of living.
1. Obama & Grandparents

I believe him when he said his grandmother was so sick that he had to leave the campaign trail to visit her in case she passed away without a recent contact. I hope she lives to see and visit him in the White House.
For a couple of days TV networks showed this photograph several times as they mentioned his unprecedented decision to leave for Hawaii. Being a political junkie I could see his poll numbers ticking up day by day as the picture was flushed on the screens. Without saying anything the picture reminded skeptics and the ignorant Americans that the dude wasn't an Arab, but part of their white blood. Was that powerful or what?
2. Prosperity-for-all or Bonagagawale. This is the coinage of Mr Museveni and it is the current battle cry of the NRM government of Uganda. This is an overstatement--a kind of hyperbolic nonsense that even a rustic village kook laughs at. The Man said in John 12:8, in effect, that the poor will always be with us. Rather than this silly slogan what Uganda needs are good infrastructures and exorcising the nation of the politics of fear and corruptions. This is a loser.
3. Mao, to the right in an NRM militia cadre training. What?!

Mao is the current Chairman of Gulu district, and is slated to be the standard bearer of the Democratic Party (DP) come 2011. Tell me if you can understand this: an opposition leader of a party goes to attend his opponent's militia course--a course, the symbol of which brings viscerial dislike or even hate in some. What message is this guy trying to send? It is, at best bizarre and calls attention to the quality of his judgement. This is an F.
4. Carrera 911 Porche'

Get behind the wheel of this baby, spin it on to the freeway and feel its power. It is the ultimate statement that you have arrived with style and power. Those Huns in Deutschland know something or two we don't. Winner.
5. Super Minister Amama Mbabazi

US of A Sen. Ted Stevens going to jail

The man on top is furious and angry and is ready to strangle someone. Why? People with no power are questioning his sweetheart deal of easy money which he obtained by dint of his position in government. He will not go to jail. Might even become the next president! Compare that to the man below who is now wishing he had not taken those gifts from a "generous"citizen who was effectively buying support for his business in Congress. The man on top should invite the guy below to Uganda for a speedy citizenship to escape the jaws of civilized law. Losers
6. The White Man's Burden

To the left, British businessmen are carrying Idi Amin through the streets of Kampala. To the right the same are kneeling before Idi to pledge their allegiance. Were those crude images? But what about the images of Africans carrying these people in the jungle or being hanged for asserting their rights to freedom? Hate him, but here he showed them. Winner or Loser?
7. Obama braves the rain while Museveni is dry under a tent while wanainchi soak

A tale of two different people. One shows care of people; the other doesn't give a hoot. Winner v Loser
8. Others. Make your own readings of these symbols

Check the body languages in these pictures. For a cool £9M in aid even a hardened turn-coat Marxist can, unlike Sarah Blair, curtsey to royalty! Why is the guy always in military fatigue whenever he goes to my hood?
Idi, the Chancellor of Makerere University gets a doctorate!

Hair dos that say volumes. If you remember hot iron combs, then you must be really old. Now chemical technology does the trick. It has made fortunes for quick-footed entrepreneurs. One Asian guy has driven out all the small Black mom-and-pop operations in my hood. He has just completed building a spanky new office complex with his profits. Michelle Obama, give me some Afro do, and I won't turn off the TV whenever you appear. Mama Janet and Sista Beti your dos rock even if your politics stink.
Word is that some Nigerian girls applied the hair chemicals to the plumage under the skirt--thanks God for the British national Healthcare!
MP Beti Kamya Michelle Obama MP Janet Museveni

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