Monday, August 31, 2009

What International Connections?

Storms form only when moisture, pressure, and temperature dictate; wishing for rain before these conditions are met is a waste of time and energy.
A commentary on an I Ching hexagram

By now the highly media-touted return of Olara Otunnu is old news. Other than some of us, news junkies, and the aroused elderly UPC faithful, by all accounts, it has been a non-event for people like my uncle, Sabino in Mucwini, Kitgum.

One line that came up over and over in some reporter’s imagination was that Otunnu’s purported international connections would be a boon to the opposition. Just how this will be, my uncle, Sabino would want to know.

A leopard does not change its spots. We are generally so conditioned such that the past is an indication of what we will do in the future. Given, people change and circumstances change; however, in weighty matters such as choosing a lifetime mate or electing a leader, woe unto those who don’t look with a jaundice eye to the past.

So, what has Otunnu done so far with his international connections? Min Acan rotted in Museveni’s concentration camps. What mobilization did Otunnu engineer with his “connections” to rally the world to the plight of Les Misérables in the camps? Sure, he uttered some catchy phrases; so what? Instead, he wasted his energy vying for a UN post. How could he, with his heralded brains, not have anticipated that the Museveni government would not give him the time of day?

Somebody is selling us a bill of goods. Or somebody is smoking some herbs and hallucinating.

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