Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Design Flaws

So God created human beings in his image. He created them man and female. God blessed them and said, “ Have many children and grow in number. Fill the earth and be its master. Rule over the fish in the sea and over birds in the sky. Rule over every living thing that moves on earth.” Amen.

My qusetion is: If we are created in the image of God, should we not be perfecto?!

Take the example of woman. Down there are orifices that are compacted near or into one another that are recipe for disasters. Among them is childbirth. Before the advent of science and the helpful elixirs, millions of women faced horrible pains and even deaths.

In his/her/its wisdom, if ever s/he/it did it, he put the prostate gland just on top of the bladder. And when that prostate enlarges, as it does in some men, it means frequent goings to the John. Thus the six or so hours of sleep that you enjoyed in your youth is gone.Capiche?! And that is just the beginning of the prostate woes that could get worse. Cancer. Incontinence. And lord behold, impotence. What can spoil a man’s day than inability to get up!

Now s/he/it says: Amor vincit omnia. Love conquers all. Or something to that effect. Tell that to those who have been betrayed, cheated or abused in love. Do Haitians not love? What of the children who are traded, molested, or otherwise go hungry in a world of plenty?

Okay. You say you are civilized. Thanks to one of the newest part of your brain, the prefrontal cortex that made it possible. On top of the good stuff like planning, forethought, judgement, organizing, or impulse control you can also pass through this brain all kinds of negatives to the other less intelligent primitive parts of the brain. It is like creating a village path by continual walking through the same track. Soon your escape route will be this path when you are caught in the bush with the village tramp. Unless you understand this, no force in the world or other-worldly can pry you out of say, the track of addiction or angry outbursts.

The point here is that, if there is a designer , then s/he/it might have just only triggered the Big Bang and left nature to its own course according to precise cosmic algorithms in the larger schemes of things. But in the subroutines of our finite selves, we are stumped—bewildered and confused because of our misguided consciousness. S/He/It is probably watching in amusement: Look at man. He gets this magnificient evolutionary brain, better than any other creature's, and he messes everything up. Aahaahaah!

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