His head spun. His legs quaked as the legendary stout, grotesque-looking Math teacher, Mr. Kiwanuka, glared at him. Forlornly he stood in front of the fearsome panel of the disciplinary committee of teachers. Mr. Kiwanuka asked what the boy would do if he were the dormitory prefect he had spurned and disobeyed. He responded that he would talk with the “culprit” about the issue of contention and try to resolve it before taking matters to the august body! The boy could see the mocking sneers. That was not a Catholic response. From then on it was all a blur, and he was sent to dig a road on campus, and felt humiliated as fellow students walked passed by. It was probably the wizened Frenchman, Bro. Leroux, on the committee who saved his ass from dismissal. Somehow the old goat always liked the little tyke’s chutzpa.
The story of the little boy is about taking a stand. If he knew what price he had to pay, it is doubtful whether he would have challenged the autocratic prefect. On the contrary and on a larger stage, Dr. Besigye knew what he was up against when he challenged the one-man rule of the NRM government he was part of. Even so, he never expected an American UN Congo official would fly to Kampala and fabricate his association with a rebel group. Neither did he expect that a British ambassador would visit him in prison and urge him to acquiesce to the accusations. So much for: Ugandans will decide for themselves! Apparently, these dudes couldn’t help themselves but corrupt the course of Uganda’s history as their ancestors have done since they brought their pale asses to the region.
[The] readiness to endure danger for the sake of principle is [the essence of] moral courage. It is action based on core values and awareness of the [attendant] risks [to person, family and friends] (Kidder, 2005). There are other Johnny-Come-Latelys, of course, but no one, in the present Uganda political class, has sacrificed more than Dr. Besigye. For our own sake, if we are serious about changing the narrative of this God forsaken country, we ought to reward the man with the presidency. He is the real McCoy! The now is a reflection of what the future will look like, and we can only build the future we want if we act on the now instead of leaving it to the often capricious gods.
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