Museveni laying a wreath on the bodies of children killed by the huge landslide in Bududa district on Monday.
At least he said something sensible: that messing with nature has consequences. That was the Dr. Jekyll in him. The Mr. Hyde was the gangster in military fatigue with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder. What was that all about?
Mr. Museveni, the certified master of symbolism, was in the lands of the Bamasaba, joining in the mourning of the sad loss of lives due to the mudslides on the Mt. Elgon slopes. But, why was he armed as if going to battle? Reading the tea leaf, one might speculate that the recent loss to FDC in the recent by-election in the area has to do with it. It was a perverse attempt to scare the Bamasaba. These are a people whose fifteen year-olds have their foreskins chopped without anesthesia! Did he think a gun-toting crazy Munyankole was going to put the fear of God in them? He must be hallucinating.
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