Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fire & Brimstone v Diplomacy & Discussion

"How long before Mugisha Muntu returns to NRM?," Gawaya Tegulle asks rhetorically. He answers himself: Soon. Why? Mr. Muntu handles situations with “diplomacy and discussion,” and implicitly, since birds of the same feathers flock together, he would therefore be joining the paragon of said “diplomacy and discussion,” the NRM, a.k.a. Museveni, with whom he did not burn bridges.

I have nothing against Mugisha Muntu. And I have said so in "Who is Mugisha Muntu?" at  He is a good man. If he believed that, by “diplomacy and discussion” he would have brought the NRM into the 21st century governance, why did he leave in the first instance?

Mr. Tegulle goes on in some strange and twisted logic: Mugisha Muntu’s father was a good friend of the late Obote. His son chose undiplomatic and [undiscussion] mode of behavior to unseat his father’s friend. Duh! In the process he probably killed a few people. Wasn’t he the “bandit” who was treated at Mulago Hospital, under the noses of the Obote government?

If this guy is not a sly cat, then I would suspect that the locus of Mr. Muntu’s personality, his modus vivendi, is about fair play, which extends to good governance with all its enlightened accouterments. From what we know by experience, would the NRM then be his natural affinity? Tegulle thinks so, and gives us a glimpse of his politics and intentions.

Gawaya Tegulle is an honorable man. His website is full of interesting insights. In this particular article, however, he has a cocky disdain for Dr. Besigye’s supporters who are caught up in his "lowbrow" tack of “fire and brimstone.” The fact that they might have rationally concluded that Museveni’s modus operandi is “my way or the high road” is just hooey.

Let us be clear: Mr. Tegulle may be culturally amenable to tail-between-the-legs disposition. But he should also know that those who face reality head on know that one can soft-peddle with Museveni until the cows come home to no avail. His language of “diplomacy and discussion” is: entreat me and brown nose and we can talk on my terms—heads, I win; tails, you lose. The man only understands the projections of strength. Kagame and his boys showed him in Kisangani. If it weren’t for Dr. Besigye’s “fire and brimstone,” the political space would have been more restricted than it currently is. Black Mambas would have visited some people by now.

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