Following the debacle on Wall Street a Uganda journalist opined that
America is on its last death bed . Is it?
Any country’s direction and leadership is a reflection of the psyche of its general population. And so what spawned George Bush, uncalled-for war, and the debacle on Wall Street is a consequence of who has dominated the conversation in America for the last 20+ years. By the same token Ugandans should ask themselves why they have their kind of leadership, a de facto police state, a dilapidated infrastructure, and obscene poverty alongside obscene wealth.
In my view the Internet and Bill Gates have been the most recent spectacular gifts to the world, and their influence will continue to bring changes to the world for a long time. Another person that I think has had a recent profound effect on American conversation, which has extended to the rest of the world—courtesy of globalisation—, is a little Jew, called Milton Freidman.
It is now a fact that unbridled free market alone will not solve the economic and social woes of a society. But for over twenty years Friedman converts—mainly Right Wing Republicans—have sung: no new taxes, lower taxes, deregulation and privatization of even the military space. With the backlash in the southern states against Lyndon B Johnson’s Great Society policies, which were perceived as benefiting people they considered as less than humans—blacks—, white south soon left the Democratic Party in droves and found home in the Republican Party even if it was (and is) often against their economic interests. A new winning coalition was coddled up with Friedmantists—aka, fiscal conservatives—and evangelicals—aka social conservatives bent on saving the world from homosexuals, abortionists, or un-American religions and other unsavory lifestyles carryover from the sixties and seventies.
So, armed with conservative radio talk-show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, who has just signed an obscene contract running in the hundreds of millions, the messages of greed, intolerant and xenophobia have been pumped into the American heads. What happened in Rwanda when similar messages were pumped into Rwandese heads fourteen years ago?
Even if, unbelievably, a George Bush could rule America, the elections are often very close. This means close to 50% of the population, whose candidate lost, do not subscribe to the ethos of the winning side. All they need is to gain control of the conversation and win, and all will be well with America.
The Chinese and others will always play pivotal roles in the world for some time to come. I put my money on America to be a leading player for many years because it has the capacity to adopt and renew itself.
Here are some not so salient characteristics of America that are the real foundations of its strengths which many don’t see, ignore or take for granted:
1. Volunteerism. This is big on my list of a viable and strong community. Americans volunteer by the thousands in hospitals, public libraries, schools, soup kitchens for the poor, political campaigns, neighborhood activities, etc.
2. Giving. When they don’t have time to volunteer, or in addition, Americans give money and their assets by the billions every year.
3. Mortar & Iron Infrastructures. When I come from Europe and Africa I am each time hit by the sensation of large and well-paved roads and streets. It gets me each time, and I know I am in a different place. As I wait for almost 30 minutes at a railway-crossing to allow a mile-long cargo train with stacks of containers to speed by, I am overwhelmed with envy.
4. Diversity. The diversity of America provides it with a gene pool unmatched by any country in the world. This means talents that can ensure its survival are abounded.
5. A Living & Renewable Constitution. Freedom for the individual and free speech give real meaning to ownership of the country by everyone. While these may have been tempered with of late, America will learn to reconcile the new threats with its most cherished values just as it continues to refine its race relations.
6. Powerful and Responsive Local Governments. The city is probably the most powerful government that an individual comes in contact with everyday. It is efficient and manned by very bright people who get things done—potholes, garbage, water, police, etc.
7. Receptivity to and Owning of Alien Ideas. The irony of America is that, while it may be rigid in some ways—the only country that still operates in inches, miles, and pounds—it is receptive to exotic ideas and things. And so you find Eastern religions and foods in nearly every community in the country.
8. Efficient Processes. Everywhere you go you generally find well-choreographed processes and systems that provide for efficiencies, increased productivity, and livability.
9. Open Society. Beyond illegal activities, you can choose to live any way you want in America. This is important because it allows for creativity and a sense of individual worth.