Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Who?

The timing was a fighter-pilot tactician at his best. Surprise! Kaboom! But then; what a cynical dude! It has worked for so-called evangelicals. Will it work with the Clinton women who were partly the likely target?
She is a member of the NRA, which means she is against Gun Control. She is anti-abortion, which means she opposses the so-called women's rights to their reproductive bodies. She is a conservative family-value advocate who had her daughter knocked out by a hockey stud. All these we hear are very appealing to the conservative right-wing republicans. Is it the same with the Clinton women?

My other question is: can this Sarah Palin even point at a world map and identify where Uganda is? She might even ask where Amin is now. Let alone Uganda, can she gain respect from Putin just in case Old McCain croaks? That is, if he ever wins.

We sure are living in interesting times, with more drama to come.

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