Saturday, June 28, 2008

Is the Lovefest Real?

First, the lady dickered in recognizing Obama's win. The decorum in sports, which is no different from politics and life, you congratulate the victor there and then. You don't go home, relax, think about it, and maneuver in sharing the loot before you give a pat on the back of the victor.

In plain language: Obama had to kiss the loser's butt, however smelly, winch and smile! All for what? For the so-called 18 million voters, chief among them crazed white old women who were the primary beneficiaries of America's much maligned Affirmative Action program. They threatened to turn to McCain or stay home on poll day. If Obama were for real change, he would have called their bluff, and let us see how they would have the stomach to vote for another four years of the messy economy, wars, a diminished America in the eyes of the world, and a possible all-out tilt to a conservative Supreme Court with John McCain.

For all his effeminate predisposition and mendicant overtures Obama is not assured of a win with these white broads. My money is on the white blue collar dudes--the so-called Reagancrats. They want a real he-man who will make them feel manly in a castrating America, and they saw "their man" in the whisky chugging and tough talking Hillary.

As to Bill Clinton, Obama is better off leaving him in limbo to satisfy his wanderlust (pun intended) and ego around the earth where people still think he matters. He is bad news for Obama's campaign. That is all I can say

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