First, congratulations on your historical win. While you are now involved in putting up a cabinet and mulling over the state of the economy and the other many challenges the world over, here are the wishes of some of us, Afrikans.
America’s contradictory policies have contributed in many ways to repressions and despotisms that have stunted the political, economical and social developments of Africa.
-Once and for all exorcise King Leopold’s Ghost so that the people of Congo can take a breather and prosper.
-Coddling the handful of Afrikan despots props them and makes them appear legitimate. Call these despots for what they are, isolate them and leave the rest for us to finish them off with our votes.
-Somali is something else. While we have some romance with that high-sea piracy, we subscribe to fair play. If you can pull your weight around in the Muslim world, let them work with Somalis to sort the failed-country mess. Maybe as a Somali elder, you will succeed here.

-Darfur, Darfur, Darfur. Sort out that Bashir man so that the Black Afrikans can have a life.
We are tired of the religious missionaries. Bring us business missionaries for joint ventures and venture capital. The aid thing is old, and usually just benefits the mean big daddies. Do one or two trips with the intent of letting your countrymen and the world see Afrika’s potentials for good business returns rather than a place of strives and pestilence.
Yes, Afrika can. Sing your winning refrain to Afrika. If one or two believes in it, you never know the limits. Yes, we can.
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