Saturday, November 15, 2008

Why He Did Not Cut Down The Plum Tree

An ancient Chinese stratagem talks of cutting the plum tree to save the peach tree. It is now common knowledge that Mr. Museveni—our own version of a maverick—turned the Chinese aphorism on its head. He saved the blight infested plum trees to save the peach tree—supposedly.

One could hear him urge his NRM parliamentary caucus: Let us act as one. Let us unite for the sake of the mighty NRM. We are a revolutionary movement. We are scientific. We are unemotional. All these, of course, are equivalent of raising corpses from the dead. Then add to that a few threats from security apparatus and challenges from a well-oiled machine in the next election. Soon all the rank-and-file NRM MPs are in line.

Are you confounded yet? What do you think mavericks do? They confound. They take calculated risks.

Do you conceivably believe that Mama Janet actually acted of her own accord to the orchestrated leaked crusade for cutting down the blighted plum trees? I don’t.
Mr. Museveni wanted the plum trees to be beholden to him—he saved them even at the cost of his own marital bliss—supposedly. How more benevolent can you get? Take that to the bank—it is bankable, it is strategic, and it is Musevenian.

Despite the country’s negative image for corruption, why did he do it? Even if high-level corruption may stagnate the country, it is a boon to the Visionary’s survival. With the Temangalo saga conquered in his favor, Mr. Museveni is now set for his final act of life presidency. The flea-infested cats around him can do his biddings—even fall on swords for him lest he pulls the rugs from under them.

So, what does all this portend for the rest of us who are allergic to all that filth? Some may vote with their feet and take their talents elsewhere at the first available opportunity—just as they did some three decades ago. Some will tough it out amidst the increasing misery indices, but will sabotage the systems whenever and wherever they can. Those outside will stay put, and not entertain any notion of taking themselves and their accumulated assets back home. Those who dare will step up their smarts for the final showdown. In the end it will all come crushing down before it gets better—for that is the natural law of the Universe because evil is unsustainable.

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