Hi! Hi! Hi! You kiro me ma brotha. It is ma preciden--he is a piece ofo worki! Look at this loado to Kitigumi that looki like kalo porridge thati ma preciden enjoys very muchi! And minista Oryemi, apologazi, calli another minista, and theni assurred usi dat the loadi willi bi repaired sooni. Are these peopoli nincompoops or something, or we the citizens are?

Unfortunately, Mr. President a laughing stock is what you have turned the country into. Ah! Ah! Ah! What a country—roads that look like cattle trails, hospitals that are worse than American animal shelters, a regime that rules by violence and not reason, a regime that is corrupt from top to bottom, ad infinitum. Tell me, Mr. President: What is there not to laugh at? Ah! Ah! Ah! Your guns instead of hoes? Your bloated parliament? Your bloated number of districts? Your gazillion redundant ministers?
Ah! Ah! Ah! Mr. Museveni, threats won’t cut the mustard. You changed the country through violence in which a lot of blood was shed. You are good at it because nothing speaks like success. Management of the country, however, is another matter. You clearly don’t know. And you have succeeded in failing. It is time to accept that fact at let go. Genda eri! We are tired of your games and manipulations!
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