Monday, March 31, 2008

A Rare African Trait

Some afrikan presidents actually give up power!

But is the desire for perpetuating power an African thing only? Look at Hillary and her hubby in action--the lying and the well-crafted racist insinuations are all calculations to wrest power and keep it in the family by any means necessary. Look at Putin, while not directly succeeding himself, will effectively retain power. This desire is powered by what the Buddhists call delusional self-grasping ignorance.

Media Suppression: A Uganda Genetic Disease since Independence

What makes Uganda leaders--from Obote 1 to Museveni's Life Presidency-- so fearful of the media? One can blame it on the imperial presidency where a man holds the power of life and death, and has the country as his personal possession.

The Uganda journalists frateny is littered with casualties. Onyango Obo of The Monitor was dispatched to Nairobi to a dubious role, making him less effective as a voice of descent in Uganda. Many ran into exile where they fizzled out. Those left behind toe a delicate line--put food on the table for their families or end up in prison. The choice is obvious.

Dakta Abe's Acholi HeartBeat

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Compendium of Barack Obama Songs

Obama songs are awash on the airwaves. In Kenya King of Ohangla's Tony Nyadundo leads the pack with his Obama song. Calypso Trinidian, Cocoa Tea is making his mark. His fellow Trinidian Mighty Sparrow has recorded Obama the Magnicient. Here is a sample of various songs:

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The King of Kings Finally Bowed

You will never see any photo in which Museveni of Uganda bows to any body--usually a gesture of respect and subserviency in Africa. But, alas, he finally met the woman who is the Queen of Queens and Kings, and the picture speaks for itself.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Importance of Acoliland

As peace comes to Acoliland after more than 20 years of LRA and Museveni's government-backed terrorism on Acoli people, it is time to step back and regroup. Mr. Akena p' Ojok, a veteran civil servant cum politician, puts the case of the importance of land to the Acoli people--land we must nurture and preserve for posterity.

By Akena p’Ojok.
Acoliland has always been the envy of foreigners. If today’s Acoli fail to protect their land, that will be their final undoing. My Uncle use to tell me; ‘Son, without land you are a beast, and without a wife you are a stunted child!’.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Hillary’s FUD Factor

Some people had written her off. Obama was on his way to clinching Texas after his momentous 11-state winning streak—and polls were affirming it. Then Hillary went on the offensive.

First the move which seemed like a valedictorian gesture at one of the debates was anything but a calculated one to disarm Obama. Sure enough at the next debate he played Mr. Nice Guy without counter punches to Clinton’s sharp jabs to the chin.

She went on Night Talk shows. At Saturday Night she was portrayed as the victim of aggressive attacks by the media while Obama was supposedly handled with kids gloves.

She jumped at the NAFTA conversation that an Obama’s advisor had with a Canadian diplomat thereby portraying Obama negatively in Ohio.

Then came the Clintonian left hook in Texas—the call at 3 a.m. Who would you want to answer the phone at the White House to protect your lily white girl asleep in her room? Not a Nigger, of course. That was the real meaning of the TV advertisement. It had nothing to do with experience. It hit a chord at the core of White American psyche. It created Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt—the FUD factor—and it worked.

The FUD factor is an old technique sales people use where products or services have become commodities with similar attributes. How do you differentiate yourself then from the other peddler? The FUD factor is the answer if you don’t want to starve.

And the Clintons don’t want to starve their egos by losing. They will do anything. Right now they are floating the notion of Obama running as her VP. This is a mind game meant to assuage blacks so that they don’t stay away from the general election should the Clinton machine run brother Barack off the road to the White House.

So far this year I have had the Kenyan suspense which I predicted would never go to the dogs. And it has come to pass. The suspense of the end result of the American Democratic Primary is a tricky one. Can the Obama coalition hold? At crunch time, will whites circle the wagon and go for their own? One thing for sure; Obama needs to go on the offensive and redefine Hillary for who she is—a divisive, power hungry Washington insider who will not accomplish much with the Republicans.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

African Vagina

African Vagina

The following extracts come in response to an advert in a South African women's magazine called Femina. Back in 1985, SA Femina Magazine ran an advertisement for Nelex, a medicine for the treatment of a vaginal infection known as vaginitis. The ad prompted hundreds of letters from sufferers countrywide, most of them from women who were clearly unsure as to what exactly was wrong with them. The letters were collected by Win Kuppers, boss of the advertising agency that created the Femina article and who swears that every single one of them is genuine.

My interesting language is English, so you better send me an English copy of your vaginitis.

Please send me the following symptoms: itching, discharge, unpleasant smell.

I am one of those with a virginal problem.

I will be very grateful if my disease were acceptable.

Dear Sirs, greetings as patient to you, but I have not got enough time to express my sickness over this paper.

I want to come by myself to confess my sickness to you after I use this Nelex.

The trouble is my vaginitis and that I'm so ugly.

How can I get vaginal infection? Most chemists cannot help.

Is vaginitis normal, or does it occur by mistakes like having sex.

My husband is not happy with the behavior of my vagina at bed time.

Please send me more information about these vaginal erections.

My symptoms are some of the ones you didn't mention, so please send me another medicine.

Every boyfriend left me and made another girl pregnant, so maybe you can help me.

With modern life of anonymous infection, I have found your vaginal infection very handy and unavoidable.

I tried Dettol, Omo and also pure brandy. All in vain.

My problem is itching, burning pain after intercourse when the weather is cold or foggy.

I am a young lady of 1963. Will you please send me more news about my virginia pains during intercourse, even when I'm not having intercourse at all.

I use to have sex eight to ten times a day. Now I am very dry. I went to the hospital and thay told me I have too much sex. Maybe I should move to Durban for the humidity.

I am a girl of 21 years of edge. Can you help me with virginial infractions.

Last night the virginial infections suddenly attacked me. What do you want me to do.

Please send me Nelex. I am so sick I will even pay for it.

My virginia is wide open, but I only slept with my husband alone, but he says I am a bitch I slept with many men. Can you close my virginia for me.

I really want a baby, but I don't want to be pregnant.

The first time I noticed vaginal infection was in your advert.

My vargin is beginning to irritate me. I scream at it sometimes but it doesn't help.

Sometimes my anus produces an unpleasant smell.

Please send my letter back so I can remember what I have written.

Please advertise more so that I can remember that I have an infection.

I stopped to have sexual intercourse with my husband, but he hasn't stopped with me.

My problem is I feel itching even when my husband romances me with his erection.

I never told anyone about my symptoms, now I see them publicly advertised.

I am 42 years old, but the infections started when I was much older.

...and please reply as soon as it is convenient for me.

I have pain during sex, and also during intercourse.

My virgin is badly leaking. Does Nelex work like a cork.

When I was 13 I spray my vagina with Airoma room-freshener. Now I am 18 and I need your help.

Please send any good and large information to my suffering vagina.

According to symptoms advertised, I have discovered four of them in my Promised One. She urges me so help me to help her.

My new address is (address supplied) ...but please send your reply to my old address.

Can I get vaginal infection without prescription.

Nelex the effective treatment, is it also effective in Zimbabwe.

My husband does not know where I live A AC so we never have sex.

I have never had sex, but I have this virginity problem.

The bath water must have infected me, although I swear nobody bathed after me in the same water.

I have reorganised my virginia recently.

It is easy to know when I have vaginitis, but how do I know when I do not have vaginitis.

How are you at that side of Randburg? I hail to you with my wife's vaginal infection from Zimbabwe.

...but I know that some people order the thing without knowing them of seeing in other words they order them for nothing without using them.

I am 20 years old and will be 21 sooner than expected.

I cannot tell my mother about it; she has no vagina.

The last time I looked for my vaginitis, I could not find it anywhere.

My vagina was discharged recently.

My vagina is deceased.

I am a doll of 19 and I want to introduce my itchy vagina to you.

I hope you are in a favourable condition for my vaginitis.

I have this virginity disease. I hope my letter arrives at tea time so you can study it better.

I don't know if the smell really comes from my vagina. My nose cannot reach it properly.

...but I promise, my body also has some healthy parts.

How are you sir? I am very well, but I am also a very sick girl.

Thank you for telling us how to avoid burning and itching virgins.

I live very far away, and therefore wander if my letter will reach you.

I am not an ignorant girl, but how can I be sure.

Please rescue my vaginal cavity from attack, Sir, and send me this infection quickly.

This Nelex it can help me. I will call my first son Nelex.

Also my eyes and kids are very itchy. I better stop looking at them.

I air my vagina three times a day, much to my husband's regret.

At today's price of water, I'd rather use Nelex.

I have five of the four symptoms you mentioned.

You will find the vaginal infections at the above address.

Please send me everything. The Nelex, the vaginal infections, the vaginitis, the reliable relief from symptoms.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Awere Tragedy: Is It an Example of Violence Against Women?

Uganda and Acoli, in particular, woke to news of a macabre proportion. A man went into to a house full of people sleeping. In the house was also his prospective wife—prospective because he had not completed paying the dowry and the woman’s family had withdrawn her to her father’s household. In a fit of premeditated anger the man doused the house with gasoline and set it ablaze. Eleven people were burned to death.

One can only speculate on the mental state of the man. He probably felt humiliated—in cultural context. Everywhere he looked probably he saw people regarding him as a loser—the guy who could not pay the dowry and now has to cook for himself! Many faced with similar circumstances of rejection or loss would probably drink it off, talk to friends, relatives or priest. Some would probably withdraw inward, develop ulcers and, hopefully one day, by the grace of the universe, find love again. Then there is a small percentage among us the world over who will react and lash out in manners that make us shake our heads in wonder.

This kind of extreme anger is not the monopoly of men alone. There are numerous stories of Acoli women reacting violently in loss of love. I experienced one such case not long ago—it wasn’t pretty but, luckily for now, Oceans separate us. When I told friends, they had stories of their own.

May the souls of the dead rest in peace. Rather than seeking revenge, may the living find ways of resolving future conflicts before they occur. Traditional leaders, elders, churches and schools can play a major role in instilling the norms that hold a society free from this kind of bizarre violence.