Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Recipe for Cooking the Cock


A Recipe for Cooking the Cock

In the East a birth year is a big deal because it is alleged to have archetypal relationship to animal beasts. It is believed that a person takes on the characteristics of the beast-year of birth. Thus from the knowledge of a person's birth year, one can gauge the person's predispositions. It was then not surprising that the Ninjas of medieval Japan, who were adept at stealth and surprise, exploited such a knowledge to  their advantage. For example, a person born in the year of the Ox  is prone to be a complainer. So, the Ninja would probably feign sympathy with the bitching, gain confidence and the poor fellow will not know what hit him.

This brings us to our favorite subject, the dictator of the Republic of Adnagu who demonstrates all the characteristics of the Cock.......
For more@The Liberal Manifesto

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