Friday, October 10, 2014


Look around you. Do you see permanence or impermanence? Then why do we cling to permanence? The dictator's minions proclaim: No Change when yesterday it was Fundamental Change. Which is which? The dictator says: Only God will upset the current state of security---meaning only an act of God will replace him. The previous (implying change) Prime Minister is reputed to have said his yellow (now without yellow tie) party would rule for another 50 plus years.

Look around you. Seasons come, seasons go. The river does not flow backwards. There are ripe mangoes on the trees, and there are none. A little baby becomes a hot chick whose gait and smiles steal hearts. The hot chick is deflowered, becomes a woman and eventually an old woman who may turn out to be an hag, a crone, a witch or a wise sage.

Let us look at the big picture. Things on earth are transitory, tentative, appearing out of emptiness and then disappearing. Ajahn Chah says: Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and pain are always changing. Notice nothing lasts. It will put your success and failure in perspective.

It seems then that without the big picture, the inevitable changes in life can overwhelm us. Change is the dance of life. We embrace it within the interplay of other cosmic codes. It is not about "waiting" in inactivity. It is acting in the confidence of universal laws that change will happen as day follows night. Just keep on trucking.

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